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APEX - Best Document Automation System

iDocs awarded EXCELLENT product recognition by Midrange ComputinginFORM Decisions' iDocs Wins the 2004 iSeries Apex Readers' Choice Award iDocs


-Automated distribution of reports, forms and checks in popular formats

Product Description:
From your AS/400, iSeries, i5, System i and Power Server, you can send messages, business documents and spool file reports in easily readable formats. iMail enables organizations to upgrade to a paperless environment, saving time and money due to more efficient document management and distribution. Cumbersome paper-based labor and associated costs are saved.

Solution Description:
The iMail native email module snaps on to our iDocs Administrator or works standalone to provide seamless and automated distribution of reports, forms and databases. Users attach and distribute forms, reports and database files in popular formats including Adobe PDF, TEXT, EXCEL, HTML, RTF, ZIP, TXT and PCL.

  • Rapid distribution of enterprise documents via email, including invoices, statements, purchase orders, reports
  • Auto-burst
    and route a spool file in portions or in its entirety, to various
    recipients via multiple devices, overnight or in real-time with no
    manual intervention
  • Savings linked to paper-handling, document loading, storage, distribution, postage/shipping, faxes, telephone, labor and waste
  • Faster cash flow: emailing invoices and electronic distribution/receipt of checks
  • Payback period is normally 6 to 12 months
  • Integrates with iDocs' SmartRouter to easily define complex rules for bursting and processing spool files by individual page. Intelligently sorts, re-bundles and delivers spool content to individual targets for custom distribution via email, fax, print and/or web-based archive
  • Usable with all iSeries, System i and Power Server
    accounting/ERP solutions including JD Edwards, Mapics, Lawson, HTE,
    SAP, ORACLE, Computer Guidance, Optimum, Metalware, Pansophic, DCMS,
    PRMS, Infinium : any software application that generates a spool file
  • Eliminates MS Windows mail server by leveraging existing SMTP server
  • Automated rules engine provides unassisted spool file conversion/distribution to predefined recipients
  • Easily understood menu interface similar to IBM iSeries and System i
  • Simple System i and iSeries native one-screen menu setup saves time
  • Streamlined installation and configuration saves IT staff time and effort
  • Easy to integrate iMail into in-house software solutions using available APIs
  • On-line documentation and reference materials immediately available with Dokuwiki technology
  • Dedicated support line and staff exists for all inFORM products
  • Reduces/eliminates use of paper, reducing costs and pressure on forests

  • Dynamic definition of recipients, subject line, message and spool file conversion formats
  • Supports numerous spool and database file conversion formats including Adobe PDF, TEXT, EXCEL, HTML, RTF, ZIP, TXT, PCL
  • Attach multiple spool and distribute to recipients unzipped or zipped -- common to iMail, iFax
  • Dynamically convert spool files to XLS formats
  • Retrieves email or fax addresses from spool file data or from
    database files automatically -- common to iMail, iFax, iForms
  • Sort sequences permit grouping pages for a single recipient -- common to iMail, iFax, iForms
  • Produces audit log showing status of email distribution
  • Intelligent and easily-searchable email address book
  • When integrated with iDocs engine, users can define bursting, sorting and collating -- common to iMail, iFax, iForms
  • Uses PDF/A, an industry-wide version of PDF that conforms to archival standards -- common to iMail, iPDF, iView
  • Supports an unlimited number of email document applications
  • Automated rules engine provides capture, conversion and distribution to predefined recipients
  • Attach spool files with merged form overlays and graphics if used with iDocs electronic form software
  • Send AS/400(iSeries) objects as file attachments

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White Papers/Case Studies

Essential Guide to IBM i Modernization
Explains why companies should consider modernizing their application's database Download...

Make Paperwork Smarter
Boost Profitability through Document Process Automation Download...

The Fundamentals of Document Automation for Cost Control Download....

XML Advantages and Disadvantages Download....

Cost Benefits of Document Management Download....

inFORM Provides Alltrade with Tools for Data Management: more....

TMA Implements Intelligent Native i Doc Routing more....

Valent USA Goes Paperless more....

Featured Headlines

Going Paperless Can Save Money Now more...

inFORM Decisions Launches iDocs SmartRouter more....

Spool File Distribution Gets Smarter with New inFORM Tool more....

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  • Maintain clear focus on Document/ Banking Automation
  • Value our long-term customer relationships (many 10+ years)
  • Provide caring service to all
  • Follow primary development principles: ease of use, openness with other applications
  • Remain IBM Server-Proven
  • Continuously improve on our 14 years of customer service in Americas/Europe
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