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-inFORM Decisions Posts IFD Green Page for
Organizations Wanting Greener Operations

New resource on IFD website has over 440 links organized to help green offices and datacenters.

  • Describes company philosophy for going green
  • Sections for greening the office and the datacenter
  • Over 440 annotated links to useful references
  • An official event on the Earth Day site
  • IFD: IBM partner and ISP for over 13 years with document automation

Reno, NV - COMMON Conference & Expo - April 26, 2009 - inFORM Decisions, leading provider of document and banking automation solutions, has released their IFD Green Page with over 440 reference links that provides extensive guidance for investigating and implementing successful green practices for the office and IT operations. The IFD Green Page can be accessed on the company's website.

inFORM Decisions was founded in 1994 to provide powerful utility solutions to address the growing need to efficiently manage paper workloads in all aspects of the enterprise. Managing custom electronic forms and reports, faxes, bar codes, electronic documents and MICR check-printing is the subject of significant interest by organizations wishing to reduce operating costs.

The company's Green Page has over 440 links to references that are described and categorized based on subject matter. The Green Page has 31 sections organized under three major topics and link counts:

Business Resources - total of 259
National Media - 15
IBM Midrange Media
   Database Trends and Applications - 3
   IBM Systems Magazine - 6
   InfoWorld - 1
   IT Jungle - 9
   MC Press Online - 18
   Penton Media - 10
The Green Office - 25
Greening the Data Center - 33
Energy and Fuel - 31
Water Resources - 7
Industry Efforts - 7
Success Stories - 21
Recycling - 10
Government Initiatives - 37
Carbon Footprints, Credits, Offsets - 26

General Resources – total of 168
Forest Protection - 6
Wildlife Protection - 6
Endangered Species - 14
Do Your Own Research - 51
Other Green Stuff - 19
More Green Tips - 5
Popular Green Characters - 3
Hollywood Does Green - 14
Videos - 28
Earth and Space - 22

Environmental Tips/Info – total of 17
Green Living Factoids
Green Cleaning Tips
Interesting Facts about Our Planet
25 Tips for a Better Life
3rd Club of Rome Report

The critical section on Carbon Footprint, Credits, Offsets has 26 links explaining the importance of carbon footprints, energy credits and the new financial exchanges that provide a market for energy credits and certificates. In other key sections, The Green Office has 25 links and Greening the Datacenter has 33 links.

Dan Forster, President at inFORM Decisions, said, "Our Green Page also describes the company's own commitment to going green and the specific actions taken at inFORM Decisions that include equipment upgrades, telecommuting, eliminating plastic water bottles and turning off equipment at day's end."

The announcement of the IFD Green Page for organization, families and individuals wanting to embrace greener operations and a cleaner earth is an official event on the Earth Day Network.

Earth Day

Orlando Ferrer, Operations Manager, who is responsible for the company's effort to reduce its carbon footprint, said, "In little over a year, we managed to make a real dent in our carbon footprint, save money and improve staff working conditions by implementing the five policies in our IFD Green Policy described on our Green Page."

inFORM's Green Policies are:
  1. Examine our own operations.
  2. Support clean energy legislation
  3. Support use of electronic documents
  4. Promote awareness of energy conservation
  5. Support forest conservation
As part of its fifth IFD Green Policy, the company has selected a number of leading forest conservation organizations that it supports.

Arbor Day Foundation

Forest Stewardship Council

Native Forest Network

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
newsletter@tnc.org and http://www.nature.org/

The Common Sense Environmental Fund

The Audubon Society

The Wilderness Society

Forster said "More corporations are including sustainable resource efforts in their community responsibility programs. In doing this research, we were happy to see how closely the goals of our clients going paperless coincide with today's efforts to protect threatened forests."

IBM's Eric Riddleberger, business strategy leader of IBM's social responsibility consulting, was quoted in System iNetwork on March 12, 2009, "Companies are being driven to reduce their environmental impact and improve their energy efficiency - their customers and partners demand it, their financial performance depends on it, and governments increasingly require it."

inFORM's product line is broken into two product families and both provide a direct strategic impact on going paperless and thus the green effort:

Document Automation Solutions This integrated suite of solutions to go paperless includes iDocs™ iFormsTM iMail™ iFax™ iPDFTM Document Center, iMapsTM and iView™.

Banking Automation Solutions These products support safe check writing and electronic banking. They include iChecks™ Check-Secure™ ACH e-Payment and PositivePay™.

For more information about how the company views the document automation market, how to reduce operating costs with document and banking automation, or how to reduce your organization's carbon footprint, contact Dan Forster at inFORM Decisions, 30221 Aventura, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688, email dforster@informdecisions.com or call 1.949.709.5838 x102.

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  • Save time, money and trees.

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