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ACH ePayment

-ACH gives your company abilities to transfer funds

Imagine transferring funds to your company's accounts, clients, vendors and employees without the wait and hassle of traditional paperwork.

What is ACH?
ACH is a nationwide central clearing facility which processes your ACH transaction (NACHA). It simply receives your company's electronic, pre-authorized debit and credit payments from your bank and routes them to the designated receiving banks.

ACH has been allowing company's to transfer funds safely, reliably, and conveniently for years. With ACH you can transfer funds from your company's account to be used for your payroll, travel and expense reimbursements, bill payments, retail purchases, Internet purchases, corporate payments, treasury management, annuities and pensions, dividends, and government payments such as Social Security and Veteran benefits.

Transfer funds electronically to your accounts, clients, vendors, employees, etc.

Automatically debit your customers recurring bills. They will no longer need to write and mail the check, iACH will take care of it for them electronically.

Reduce the processing time and expense associated with traditional paper based account payables/receivables for your trading partners.

Consolidate your bank accounts through cash concentration and disbursement

Can be used to pay your federal and state taxes

E-mail notification for deposits.

Extensive tracking and reporting features.

Use as a stand alone product or integrate seamlessly with inFORM Decisions' award winning line of Electronic Workflow solutions.

System Requirements:
AS/400(iSeries) with OS/400, RISC v3r7m0 and higher.

Contact Us

1.800.858.5544 or 1.949.709.5838
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White Papers/Case Studies

The Promise of A/P Automation Download...

Laser MICR Check Printing Download....

Security Enhancements for MICR Laser Check Printing Technology Download....

BEST PRACTICES: The Fundamentals of Document Automation for Cost Control Download....

Road Builder Curbs Check Fraud
with iChecks with Positive Pay

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  • Maintain clear focus on Document/ Banking Automation
  • Value our long-term customer relationships (many 10+ years)
  • Provide caring service to all
  • Follow primary development principles: ease of use, openness with other applications
  • Remain IBM Server-Proven
  • Continuously improve on our 14 years of customer service in Americas/Europe
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