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Press Release

-iSeries Online Document & Report Retrieval is Easier - iView 2.0

Irvine, CA, February 17, 2003: inFORM Decisions, Inc. today announced Release 2.0 of its browser based document/report archive and distribution solution for iSeries-AS/400 computers.

iView, introduced in 2002, has received enhancements to its document distribution and search capabilities. In V.2, as authorized employees, distributors or clients log on to iView to retrieve and view documents and reports via intranet or extranet access, they will view several new options. Users can now deliver PDF documents/reports via email, fax, laser printer, or simply leave the indexable PDF document in the central repository for retrieval later. This new self-service document retrieval feature consolidates documents and reports into a central location for on-demand delivery.

iView facilitates immediate retrieval of important business documents stored on iSeries–AS/400 computers and eliminates searching through paper files or electronic folders.

iView monitors specified output queues and automatically converts spool file, merged form and report output from these queues into Adobe PDFs and archives them in the IFS. Users can define search indexes and sorting sequences, and retrieve documents via spool file attributes or access any text in the spool file.

Also new in V.2 is the ability for users to search on a range of criteria for each search value. Users can search for a word or phrase in character indexes, and for a number, or range of numbers, in numeric index fields. Additionally, users can sort the search results on any index fields, and to group the search results. Simply key in a range of invoice numbers, customer numbers, invoice dates, etc. into any common internet browser, and iView will return all the documents that fit the user‘s criteria in a sequence that he has defined.

Integrity over the system and documents is achieved through full support for native OS/400 security. User IDs, passwords, configurable session time-outs and HTTP Server protection, among other features, eliminate unauthorized access or tampering. Because OS/400 user profiles are employed, no separate user IDs and passwords are maintained.

iView requires no additional software or hardware and seamlessly complements inFORM’s iDocs™ electronic form/check software or similar forms packages from other vendors.

According to Maryann Somma, Director of Marketing for inFORM decisions, “The cost of iView is a fraction of other iSeries document retrieval solutions.” For existing inFORM Decisions iDocs, or FORMation mg flashFORM400 customers, the fees are minimal because they already own half of iView.” Referring to iView’s straightforward installation, Somma adds, “The product installs in a few minutes, and the search screens are intuitive enough for users to be up and running immediately.”

License fees for iView standalone are user based and start at $11,995, which includes easy to use on line help text and telephone assistance with configuration and testing. If added as a module to inFORM Decisions or FORMation mg’s software, inFORM will apply a multiple product discount. Unlimited concurrent user licenses are also available.

IS Professionals who are interested in iView should call or email inFORM Decisions for a link to a free online demonstration. inFORM Decisions can be contacted at (800) 858- 5544 or info@informdecisions.com.

About inFORM Decisions, Inc.
inFORM Decisions develops leading edge automated and secure electronic check, ePayment and form systems for iSeries-AS/400 and NT Client-Server environments. These solutions integrate seamlessly with existing applications and dramatically reduce material and labor costs for their clients worldwide. inFORM Decisions develops their products with modularity in mind and delivers systems that are tailored to a client‘s needs.

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