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iDocs awarded EXCELLENT product recognition by Midrange ComputinginFORM Decisions' iDocs Wins the 2004 iSeries Apex Readers' Choice Award iDocs

Drag n' Drop Data Mapping and Forms Design

-From Any Windows App Now in iDocs 4.0

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, February 1, 2005:
Today, inFORM Decisions announced the release of version 4.0 of iDocs, its award winning i5- iSeries native electronic document management software. Several enhancements have been included in this major new release resulting in dramatically increased power and flexibility.

One of the more significant enhancements to iDocs 4.0s facilitates forms creation in any MS Windows or Adobe application. The data used to populate these forms can be mapped from a downloaded iSeries spool file. This new feature, aptly dubbed iMap, also offers a dual-paned graphical environment that allows the user to download iSeries spool files into one pane, and open a form designed in ANY Windows compliant application in the other. Users simply drag spool data from one pane to the other to map data. No additional programming or configuration is necessary on the iSeries to complete form data mapping.

iDocs also now sports improvements to its user interface that make document, form, and report creation far easier. Enhanced navigation, prompting and scrolling make the product more fluid.

Improvements have also been made to the products ability to handle email on the iSeries. A new out queue monitor in the iDocs iMail module enables the user to create rules to automatically distribute spooled files to specific users. The iMail Application Server enables qualifying spooled files to be distributed using iMail Applications that define not only the email recipient but also copied email, subject line and message.

Version 4.0 of iDocs has several other new and enhanced features like improved message handling and simplified user documentation.

Regarding inFORM's product development philosophy, Dan Forster, inFORM's president says, "Our direction for iDocs is to offer tools that let users approach their document challenges from many different angles. iDocs tools bend to user requirements and allow them to generate eForms, eChecks, eReports and automate document distribution processes that conform to their unique environment."iDocs licenses can be priced for user environments based on numbers ofdocument applications, 'run-times' versions and/ or system size and start at $2,995. For additional information or a free demonstration of iDocs, please call (800) 858 5544, (949) 709-5838, or visit www.informdecisions.com.

About iDocs
iDocs is an iSeries-based, software suite that allows users to quickly and easily develop electronic form documents. eForm development is simplified with pull-down menu screens that prompt for desired form definitions, including auto-burst and de-collate, multipart form distribution, auto-form rotation, backside printing, paper tray selection, output queue locations, archive spool file options and other features.

iDocs graphical and intelligent form development tools let users automatically convert a scanned-in form into an eForms template. In addition, users can use any familiar front end designer and print into the iMap environment for iSeries drag n' drop data mapping operations. iDocs backend provides numerous methods for defining merges of spool file data to designed form templates. An unlimited number of engines can be defined to poll designated output queues for desired spool files. Optionally inFORM Decisions can provide APIs to define the parameters of the form's merge operation.

About inFORM Decisions, Inc.
Since 1994, inFORM Decisions has developed automated and secure electronic check, form systems and eCommerce solutions for iSeries/400/i5and Windows Server environments. These solutions integrate with existing applications and dramatically reduce material and labor costs for their clients worldwide. inFORM Decisions develops their products with modularity in mind and delivers systems that are tailored to a client's needs.

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  • Clear focus: Document and Banking Automation
  • Loyal long-term customer relationships (over 10 years)
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  • Guiding development principles: ease of use, openness with other applications
  • Award Winning Software that is IBM Server Proven
  • 14 Years of customer service in Americas/Europe    
  • Save time, money and trees.

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AS/400, iSeries, i5, System i and Power Server

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OS/400 V5R1 or above

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